Off to Wales I went for the weekend of 13th-14th October - Wales seems a long way but the roads there were all major ones and it was only just into Wales (Monmouth) so it was a really quick towing journey - it did however cost £10.20 with a van to get over the bridge into Wales but it was free to leave!
I will admit to being a bit worried about camping so late in the year but the weather was lovely! The camping was a bit spread out and not exagerating we must have been camped 15 minutes walk from the rings - not so bad with a large dog class but not so good with a medium dog class! So I drove down and parked in day parking as it was much closer - small moan in that day parkers don't actually pay as such whereas campers do! Also we were helping on Sunday.
Onto the Agility...!! I had been really looking forward to doing a Team Dash with Cadbury never having done one before (was due to at High Peak but the show was cancelled) and it was a nice course and he did a lovely clear (video of the Team run on Lian's Blog), Lian and Saturn did a lovely clear, Sue and Bug and Jan and Sal had a fault - but it was good fun doing a team :)
On Saturday Cadbury came 2nd in 4-7 Graded Jumping (the Grade 5 bit), we had a very interesting 4-7 Combined Agility which required control at the end of the dog walk which cost us a bit of time but at least we got clear rather than E'd and came 6th, bless him to make it 4/4 clear (including the team) he also went clear in 1-7 Jumping but it was a bit of a blast and he was just outside the places. On Sunday he did a barmy clear in 1-7 Agility - he did make me laugh as he kept rushing off to try and do the wrong thing with a big grin on his we lost too much time on that one! We so nearly got round 5-7 Graded Agility which took lots of brain power but he popped back into the pipe tunnel near the end (Andy Brown said he was working lovely and that made my day) and lastly he came 5th in 1-5 Combined Jumping on a speedy course.
Roger was very pleased that Josie came 4th in a part of 3-5 Jumping - no other clears and no clears from JaiJai.
Fleet came 6th in a part of 3-5 Jumping (with a goony moment!) and also did a stunning run in the Team - doing Teams with Fleet make me nervous as he can be a bit unpredictable and I don't mind what the rest of the Team do just please don't let it be me that lets them down!
Fog and Rip had places in Anysize and little Jaf did 2 clears in Jumping (he is just going to do jumping now - no more scary see-saws for him!)
The Show venue was within walking distance of Monmouth so we walked and ate fish and chips by the river on Saturday evening and then Roger went to the show marque to watch the Rugby and I went back to see the dogs.
No more camping shows which is a little sad as I like staying in the caravan but it will be nice to not have so many shows from now on, as much as I love the shows its also nice to be able to catch up with things at home and do other stuff with the dogs.
6 years ago
Impressed you work in a police control room! Is it exciting? depressing? interesting? or just dull? Do you read crime fiction? (I write crime thrillers)
Hi Leigh - well it can be all of the things you have said. No day is ever the same you could be taking a 999 call about a robbery at a post office one minute and then a call about a lost purse. I enjoy the variety and the hours fit in with my dogs!
I don't tend to read crime fiction - more soppy stuff - good luck with the writing!
Lorna :)
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