Well we still have the foster dog....Blue is finally on Agilitynet so hopefully he will get a nice forever home soon :) He has got more barmy the longer he has been with us - is that our influence or just that he is coming out of his shell !! Blue and JaiJai play and play - as Josie has been spayed she has been resting so its been nice for the 2 youngsters to play.
I went up to the Agility Club AGM for Cadbury and I to be presented with his huge trophy for coming 1st in the Medium Grade 3 section....to say I am proud of him is an understatement! It was espcially nice as I did not realise at first that the trophy was engraved I just wanted to get it in the box before I dropped it!
New posh dinner bowl - chuckle!!
It was nice to catch up with people I had not seen for a while at the AGM - there was not enough time to chat to everyone though! A little group of us did go out for a nice meal afterwards. Well Done to all our friends who did so well too - Joy and Teal, Bernadette and Hex, Paula and Suzi, Sue with Bug and Merc, Jenny and Stella and everyone else who got an award!
Josie was spayed and things did not go very well......darn merlie thing!! Actually it was not her fault her external stiches were fine but the internal ones did not hold and she had to go back and be re-operated on - it was quite a scary time and thankfully she is on the mend now - running around with a bucket on her head and wearing a t-shirt to cover her tummy!
Nearly time to get Kaiser - exciting stuff! Heres a photo Marie sent me recently (thanks Marie x)
Off to Wyre in a little while - just me and some of the dogs - Roger is staying home to look after Josie - I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
5 years ago