This weekend was a story of two shows....weird as it may seem Roger went to Paws in the Park for a day and I went to Derby and then he joined me. This came about as Derby had been re-scheduled from the end of July and only the original competitors could attend - Roger was only entered on the Sunday at the original Derby Show as he was judging the Power and Speed and Gamblers Finals at the Agility Club Show.
Derby was Friday afternoon, all day Saturday and Sunday morning. On Friday it was really windy Cadbury was a bit mad in the wind and got an E in his agility class and got a 2nd in Medium 4-5 Jumping. Poor little Jaf got blown off the dog walk....he seems fine - perhaps in hindsight I should not have run him but I had not seen any other dogs have a problem and later heard of one other dog that got blown off (a sheltie who was also fine). Fleet got a 6th in Grade 5 Agility and a 9th in Grade 5 Jumping.
Saturday was the final of the Adams Derby (a Novice Power and Speed - well for Grade 4 & 5) - Fleet had qualified for the second year and there was one part of the course that worried me and I was right as that was where Fleet had a goony moment (span and barked at me!) he had not got very near to the next jump so did not get faulted and before and after the goony moment worked lovely and came 6th. Last year he came 10th so at least we improved!
Cadbury did a stonking run in Medium 3-5 Agility, I ran right near the start and hoped he might get a good place but there were quite a few dogs there that have beaten him before some of whom were in the DIN Final and beat him there so I wandered over near the end of the class and he had come 1st! I was really surprised and pleased and also glad that he was still running his last grade 4's so it did not win him up to grade 6...that may happen but I would like him to get a bit more experience.
Saturday evening Roger arrived from Paws in the Park - a happy chap as JaiJai had come 2nd in 1-4 Helter Skelter and 11th in 3-5 Agility and Josie came 5th in the other part of 1-4 Helter Skelter.
On Sunday I judged and was finished by lunchtime. I enjoyed my judging and found it interesting seeing the different ways that people tackled various parts of the course. Quite a few people said they enjoyed the courses which always makes it feel worthwhile.
We left quite early and when we got back to where we store our caravan someone else was in our space which was a right pain!
At Derby I saw our friends John and Kate Wykes who I have not seen all year, they have Fleets Dad Tip, big Sister Fly, Brother Jaff and little half Sister Meg so it was lovely to catch up with them and watch their dogs run and get places. They also used to own Fleets Great Grandad and below is a photo of him - Robbie or posh name "Red Robbie of Dalmain"
6 years ago