The weather reports were awful and I was not really sure if I would go.....I heard they towed caravans onto the venue on the Friday....I was due to drive there each day as the camping at this venue is silly I camped there once and got there about the time you were allowed to and was camped soooo far away I needed a taxi to the rings!
Roger was working on the Saturday so I had JaiJai (ah he is lovely!), Josie, Fleet and Cadbury to run - I left the oldies at home and also little Jaf. Jaf hates mud and rain and the oldies had anysize but I did not want to take Rip and Fog and them sit in the van a lot of the day in possibly bad weather and then choose not to run them anway if the ground was bad (Rip is 12 in a few weeks and Fog 11 in June) Roger was in and out all day at home anyway :) The day parking was a long walk but at least it was on hard standing - there were a few light showers but the rings held up very well the areas around the rings got a bit muddy. Kaiser had a great time walking around the show.
The weave entry in the G4 Jumping was interesting (same as the one for the KC Novice thing at the Fest last August) - JaiJai was clear till then.....and Josie had a pole then missed the weave entry. JaiJai had a very speedy run with one pole down in G4 Agility. Josie was clear but a little out of the places in the helter skelter, JaiJai had 2 poles down, Fleet had a pilot error. Fleet was doing a lovely G5 Agility and then ran into the weave poles - sort of headbutted them...doh! Grade 5 Jumping he had one pole down.
Cadders had a pole down in the Medium Helter Skelter - it seemed to knock the wind out of him as he was flying before then so I brought him to check he was ok (which he seemed to be - I think he just sort of trippled over it!). In his agility I tried a few different things some worked some did not but I was pleased with him. The jumping run was last and it was cold and I was fed up and we went wrong near the start - I thought I would just stay and watch Sue run Bug and then head for home...then there was an awful dog fight - well an attack rather than a fight where a dog left the start line and grabbed hold of another dog - it was truly awful and it still makes me feel a bit strange writing about it now. The darn terrier would not let go of the other dog but eventually did (or was forced to) and apart from being shocked and bruised the other dog was ok the handler of the attacked dog did get bitten on the hand was truly awful the worst thing I have ever seen at a show and I drove home in a bit of a daze.....
Not a very exciting post so I will finish with a few photos of my favourite walk - Bourne Woods near Farnham Surrey - never muddy as its sandy and it's like another world soo peaceful - they actually film things there sometimes - offhand can't remember what though! Sometimes in the week I can walk for a couple of hours and not see anyone - bliss!
Sorry about the bit of plantlife in the way! No Kaiser in the photo as he does not come along to our very long walks yet :)
Yikes I know what you mean about those dog attacks. There was one last year at the small semis and it was awful. I would have been devastated if it were my dog! Was it a medium dog? I am so protective of my dogs as I have had them attacked before and it can really shake their confidence as well as physically hurt them.
PS can you stand at the last jump for me and wiggle my dogs toys as I hate those long runs at the end of a course! haha! I can't believe it is allowed!
How horrid for you I hate dog fights too I am sooo protective of my dogs too just like you Lorna :0(
Oh and you cant wiggle anything for granma as youll be wiggling them for me lol lol lol !!!!
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